HIGH PING!!! (Counter-Strike)
hi all, what do I do Internet speed good but ping is high and because of this I always get kicked out of games today 1 fight only made it just awfulhere to watch how others play I can as soon as the time of the purchase of weapons so any help me what do I do??? can select the servers where the highest ping or Vice versa where the low?
Best server CS 1.6
The best of the clan [Golden^ak-47]
The website of our clan!
Who will not come on the server and not zarekaysya the ...!
The theme was so well already!!!Look there we can find something - http://forums.playground.ru/counter-strike/20064/
Go to the website : http://csbaza.ru - on the left, find the tab Hardware andconfiguration.There is a sub - FPS and ping.We choose what we need.
Who does not understand here are the direct links :
software for fps - http://csbaza.ru/load/konfigi_i_utility/b_o_o_s_t_e_r/28-1-0-2152
articles on FPSO -http://csbaza.ru/publ/ping_i_fps/18
Friends welcome!
I have this dilemma all Internet. searched and found no answer, maybe here someone knows... now from mi LAN-8MB, the ping on the internal serwaah 5-10 external 100-110
Q: if I change the provider package from 8 to 50 MB.sec how much you can expect ping to external servers??? only if it is possible for more and it is not hunting pays 3 times more expensive and get the same thing!
I play through a modem I have a ping of 150-300 downloaded the Fixpinger ping was 150-200 but still kicked from servers. In the console prescribed different teams but they don't help. tried cs-op doesn't help either. Tell me a normal bend which really helps.
Do not use Fixpinger, even despite the fact that this is an old script, which was intended for dial up, it is inadequate: it only sets the value of cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate 6 6 is equivalent to the update step 166 MS, which is 2-3 times less than the average dial-up connection.
The General case, which is always SCREAMING!! the point is, the console commands:
rate - width of the incoming traffic, in bytes. 20000 - maximum (although the value can be put any, but it will be ignored).
cl_rate is the width of outgoing traffic, in bytes. 9999 - max.
They are configured based on the capabilities of the connection to the server.
Further, the packages, the size of one input and no more than 200 bytes (outgoing no more than 100 bytes), respectively:
cl_cmdrate = cl_rate/100
cl_updaterate = rate/200
Preferably the maximum not to load if the connection is crooked. This can be limited by the server settings and they must not exceed. For a comfortable game in the modern speeds of the Internet enough values default is 30 packets per second. In severe forms of nerd can be improved. Nothing wrong with 50-60 packets per second will not, but almost does not affect the game, because through the Internet, on average, such precision will be broken by the ping of the server.
Ping to specific servers with the appropriate settings no longer dependent on client teams doubles and you should pay attention to the settings of the operating system, you can use a Tweaker, they just change some settings in the registry depending on the type of connection. Nothing more can be done. You should choose a server closer by geography. In today's world you can play in dissent, judge for yourself, from Ufa to Moscow with a ping in the range of 20 MS.
For the most accurate display of what is happening in the game, you need to specify adequate setup of interpolation: ex_interp 0 will correspond to 1/cl_updaterate. Otherwise, the game will be a 10-HR interpolirovanii to the value of FPS" (it is usually sufficient, because human reaction is 2-3 times slower similar speeds).
VSem privet. Pomogite pojalusta. Vot v chem Delo, ya nahojus v America, no hochu igrat' na serverah uzbekistana i rossii. Dolgo nemog kontru podhodyashuyu nayti, seychas komp mersi, core I3 stand, net 10-16 mbit/sec. vobshem i vse dela. nedumal chto nikogda s takimi parametrami budu imet problemi, no ne tut-to bilo. zahoju na server, ping 230-340 skochet, i srazu kikayut, mol nemeshay nam igrat. Poprobuval fixpinger, nepomoglo. pozhalusta podskajite, ochen hochetsa s druzyami rezatsa, a ne s amerikosami. budu blagodaren ochen, zaranee spasibo. [email protected]
in task Manager in the processes tab find hl.exe click the right mouse button select priority>low helps me
guys do you know how to fix high PING in CALL OF DUTY 4 online?????????????????????????????
http://s4b.zip-host.in/download/6a179cac-6c22/%C2%E7%EB%EE%EC+%E0%E4%EC%E8%ED%EA%E8+%ED%E0+%F1%E5%F0%E2%E5%F0%E5+%EA%F1+1.6.exe we Go there in the folder Ping is, I made the program reduces ping with a mean from 1 to 10!!!Free 60 rubles but not where it is not working najdete this! I bought it myself!
h t t p : / / d e p o s i t f i l e s . c o m / f i l e s / 0 8 x s 5 y g q 5
h t t p : / / d e p o s i t f i l e s . c o m / f i l e s / b y u c c y f p d
Here for free! 1 did not help 2 help!!!!!!!RETREAT SPACES!
New program for PC optimization, reducing ping and fix lag in games from razrabotchika no_lager_BU_advanced!
The program no_lager_BU_advanced_v1.04 designed to help You optimize PC for better and fast performance in all games for the PC. Temporarily stops non-essential processes, cleans RAM, and improves the performance of the processor. This means that You have the opportunity to use all the features of Windows Vista® and XP® Microsoft® without worrying about what the games will brake.
Key features:
1. Reducing ping to game servers 3-4 times by optimizing your network connection! Even on 3G the modem with your ping will be no more than 50!
2. Elimination of the lag in games.
3. Improving the graphics in games (for the PC)
Additionally, the program has a multilingual interface, including Russian language!
Download rlu.ru/2tw
Found myself today ))
Do not tell me!!!Ping was 30-40 , changed CCF with help bend configpro . Ping was above 200 scacity . Overwrite the COP anyway.An Internet speed 30 MB . Steam hasn't updated . PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!
Battle ping!!! Increased ping on ALL servers in my city soon.. I will cry.. it was all good.. the Ping was from 3 to 20 is max.. Despite how much people on the server.. recently, it increased to 120 !!!!! At first I thought it was the wrong server.. But was not.. Then he downloaded the program TuneUp pochill the registry and whatnot is done, I go to cs 1.6 ting declined to 60 - 70.. But still like that I do not like it.. Help me.. For the correct answer, the money for the balance guarantee.. the Speed I got 20 m/bit..
guys help to do the ping in cs stable like first digitise 35-60 but in the course of the game somewhere in 10 minutes, rising to 250 in seconds and in ascending players too. On the server ping is 50.... play wirelessly on leased nothing changes equally