The game without error to the desktop
The people help! Recently noticed that that something is not right!Played with a friend in Rainbow six siege, after 20-30 minutes the game without bugs just on the desktop.
Several times. I thought it trouble yubikov as always.
I go to COD WW 2 After 15 minutes throws! First hangs on seconds 4 rasviet and resonant hangs with the departure.
Max playing BF4 like it's all right.
I don't know it depends on operatives or what, but these departures have played the game it was 16 GB of RAM, pulled out two laths on 4 GB left in 8 GB, as it is not my operative was.
I don't know what inwhat trouble.
My bucket:
8 GB of RAM
MSI Geforce Gaming X 1060 6 GB
Purple giraffe
Well not enough if Rainbow six siege 8 GB Recommended, and in cod ww2 8 minimal
I have in the Assassin's Creed: Unity" after disabling the swap file, the game crashes. RAM was also 8GB.
fustcaper13 wrote:
...until those departures played all the rules, had 16 GB of RAM pulled out two strap... there is 8 GB
It looks like the RAM is no longer enough. Make the fastest drives on dynamic the paging file is initial size = minimum, max => recommended by:
If during the game will not be enough RAM - you should throw a piece of data from memory to FP (the been so - but on another game). Its advantage over automatic - reset to minimum size when not in use (usually after reboot).