Martial arts Wizards (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
Interestingly, wolves and Cats, completely different styles of fighting, it can be noticed during the quest, Wolves and Cats. But I wonder if we defeat one Wolf and the other because they all have the same style or am I mistaken. Warlocks were many and their styles differ according to their schools.And if you win for example one of the schools, as they fought back from this ?? (a simple example of how you would this would look ??)
do not understand. okay, and why would they against each other ? supposedly the code (which is not, I know). in General, there is also a reliable fencing as...I don't know an example. some of them styles and goes for monsters, but not for people. in the middle ages the Foundation of the fight - strike\block. ie, peddling, but again, this is a case of duel 1v1. the exception is the army in the army, there is already a little different, each tune a specific task does. don't remember what first and second are occupied,but the third sure kill. Yes, why finish something, in fact, most of the beats had in the knee region, because it is the least protected part of like, and after those 5-10 hits with the chopping - the opponent is sure to fall to the earth
Yes, the abilities of wizards throughout life develop, and it may be that defeating one Wolf to win another ??
I'm not saying that if they were against each other, and someone would win one of the wolves
and they are spinning as there (Feasting) but the Feasting is done time (Persons) 0 (Persons) \ that is, the movement 1/827c/m or 1.5 seconds
That kind of nonsense, why clutter up the forum with such issues? Winning one wolf to win another? Shta?