To increase the initial glasses signs? (Stellaris)
People like to increase the initial number of points signs?This is where hardy, mobile, charismatic...
The fact that you offer only 4 lines and 2 points of the characteristic.
And there are those who are already +5 points. As such the signs to get?
So I ask - how to increase the initial number of points signs?
Something I do not believe that bonus so good that it is worth for him to add three debate.
Generally created for you.
Looks like you need to do
Kolichistvo signs can't be increased,but there is a bug:
If you select any of the four signs(in this case the glasses go in the minus)
and without leaving this tab, right-click finish,you can safely create Russ with these signs.
Ilya Cancer
Stellaris/common/defines/00_defines.lua is edited there
Ilya Cancer
you can choose bad signs - they will add points (they have neg. value) but to me personally, this option is not like
I had 80 points:
Stellaris common species_archetypes \00_species_archetypes.lua
@robot_trait_points = 80
@robot_max_traits = 20
@machine_trait_points = 80
@machine_max_traits = 20
@species_trait_points = 80
@species_max_traits = 20
Or you can stir up their own trait with blackjack and..:
Stellaris\ common\ traits\04_species_traits
For example, all technologies +200%
trait_intelligent2 = {
cost = 9
opposites = { trait_nerve_stapled trait_erudite }
allowed_archetypes = { BIOLOGICAL }
modifier = {
tile_resource_engineering_research_mult = 2
tile_resource_physics_research_mult = 2
tile_resource_society_research_mult = 2