Mother cuts the frequency of HT
Faced such problem: Is the AMD FX 8320e, whose stock HT Link - 2000мгцI have it at 1000MHz in the BIOS above can not deliver. Is it possible to somehow get around it?
Mother: ASRock N68-GS4 FX
MunchkiN 616
you might have the old BIOS or an older version of the MP described what should be 2000мгц max
is this another option that the Mat Board is not full and the processor is most likely the mun to churn at 2400, or at least in Minya with the usual FKH this frequency. and once the Mat Board is not moget it to ensure it merges into some incomprehensible frequency.
I'm so in HDE of rashomama is put the multiplier 13 AZM 2600mhz