CSGOOGLE-EN VIRUS for COP? (Counter-Strike)
Help to solve problemu:After the installation of any dissent in a few seconds it is added somewhere in the file and when I start the counter, it is different than the one that wanted to put. In the console lit senocak V, says I have the latest versians of Steam and in the name of the player written CSGOOGLE-EN.
What kind of virus CSGOOGLE-EN???
The computer checked for viruses,dissent put different,anyway, after the installation is converted to another counter.
What to do?
I so do not understand the problem, but I will say just in case, what if you went on the server and played the files can be automatically added to the folder with the game. About nick CSGOOGLE-EN is not a virus, but a simple nickname, hinting at the link of the website from which you downloaded the game. In any case prescribe in the start menu search Scheduler (without the quotes!) and look for something that is associated with the name CSGOOGLE.RU and unplug it then take the job. If not this, then delete all, direct all cs 1.6 control panel and then delete the remaining files that are not deleted. Then download again. If you download pirate, then download from the site http://cs-headshoot.ru/ dream-x | leo knows how to do a cool build cs 1.6) Hope I helped)) I Almost forgot, check the config.cfg in the cstrike folder, maybe it something extra. If the nick that you put, the game is not saved, then go into your cstrike folder ,highlight the file config.cfg ,and then click on the file, right-click, choose properties and in the General tab, if there is a tick on the read Only, then put that check mark and click apply OK.
I was helped by this method. Here are the steps:
Method 1. (In that case, if the service is called WinDHCP).
Run Windows in safe mode, type in the command line windows services.msc (to Run Windows services Manager).
Find the Windows Service "DHCP"
Double-click on it to start the Docker service:
Set the startup type to "Disabled", click "OK" and load Windows normally.
Then run Windows command prompt as administrator and write: sc delete “WinDHCP” – this will remove the service.
Method 2. A more complex version, in case if you have changed the name of the service:
Download and install Process Monitor.
Installed CS 1.6 again (not yet launched).
Run the Process Monitor program. Leaving only the tracking file system activity (must be a dedicated button only Show File System Activity).
Press CTRL+L.
In the resulting window, select the settings like in the screenshot (only need to specify the path to your folder with the counter).
Click the Add button and then OK.
We have configured the monitoring of files in a folder with CS, now we can find out what process is changing our files.
Run CS, wait till the virus will overwrite files and look in Process Monitor which process modified the file. Moving this process to the services – so we know which one is the virus and will be able to disable it and delete using the Method number 1.