To get 1 any need 3.4 soja.Soji for vex+Gul.The math is simple.No one tries to sell for NN OC.
Thraex pig
Yes, but some are Anichi Jah, and sodzh you can buy and vex, then exhaust will be 1 any 32 Saga, and this profit 8 times( if the cost of the call 300 young soja 80 anyhow how it is practically). don't tell stories. if masonity was not profitable, that no one did. )))
Yes. But soji are on vex rumble of aniche on average sold for 2 lo, games to create a lot of does not work, and every 15~ the game crashes due to multishot. And, Yes, maybe the Internet will fall off immediately after the call, the server dropnets, well, or even young Soga not be enough. And Yes, a profitable business, do not say anything)
so , what's the point in doing it if it is not profitable... good to blow your ears poor massonici. PySy especially not so long ago, soji was the hum of East high