Will there be a crack ? (Vanquish)
Whether the game has a Russian translation ?limo3587
Transferred, but certainly not in the next few days. On all linked only to the analysis of resources has begun
Translate, but translators need to support financially. So the situation is likely to be as bayonets (I want a full translation - pay)
Honestly, I would have bought-quality localization at a reasonable price that people had the motivation to do it and not wait for random donations.
Mad_cloразрабатывается the note is already 100% translated, now the adjustment started in the late August, we'll see
the end of August already where is the translation of at least the interface and subtitles made
Alex Vyatkin
Well, hell knows, maybe they forgotten to Rusik not information, not something from 30 July
no localization for money? yeah, right now! the game was moved, and apps I have ... but then we buy accidentally forget.