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Trial Player 17.02.20 11:18 pm

Big return TykiTaki! (Unreal Tournament 2004)

TykiTaki is back! – ut2004://

Few years the server was down and now it works! You missed Soundw? He's back! You missed Netcode? He's here! You missed lost CRAZY mode? And IT is back again!

You missed good old tookie? Guys, he's back!

Winning players will earn you the grades! The more kills, the higher your rank, and respect to you. 30 titles, 30 game grades you can get on the server.

You're tired of boring, boring time at the screen of your monitor? Sound – here is what you will save! Awesome jokes that you can use in the game, laugh yourself and other players! What could be better than a good mood?!

If you have high ping, you will not be able to get in other players because of their ping. But when Netcod, you rush in and start handing out Headshots left and right his opponents! Your place in the results table to rapidly rise up!

Game modes
Lots of game modes, including a rare mode CRAZY (multidoc) that will make your game even cooler, more dynamic. Once you make your first multidog in the blood rapidly rush of adrenaline and you will not have to stop!

Anywhere you can play multidog, not on the server of Tukituki! Breaks!

MCKenny: I can't hold back the tears, I was overwhelmed with emotions! I can't believe my eyes!
Rigel: good Old tookie is back >:]
ARXANGEL: Netcod it's not enough! Thank You Vix!
TiX: I no longer play ut
Carnage: WooHoo!
IIoKeMoH: \(^_^)/
Megapixel: I believed, I knew he'd come back! The main thing is faith!
Super_Reptile: Bukkake!
Naut: I'm so happy, I'm so glad I have you! I want to say thank you, and say: merci!
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BATL. 17.02.20


Ness_ 17.02.20

I guess if the server is appropriately configured, it is possible to put an end to the tame PG.

Empathy13 17.02.20

Yesterday, one bastard came in THERE and all caps screaming in chat that PG for homosexuals, and Tukituki for real men, for which he received a few kicks and deserted. Still under Player-a is encrypted, the scoundrel. I have a screenshot lying, but I don't want to post, and then cold for profanity are banned, there really insult the entire ng community. I so understand that for insane grasshopper was that, if the server admins also understand that it would be nice to write this pornstar temporary ban, let him reflect on his behavior. And then, you see, not caught - not a thief, the administrator was not possible to do anything. But, suddenly, for example, a kind of undefined admin will ban some cheaters and ACCIDENTALLY this ban will hook any fan of pococurante, which will then cry on forum and demand a unban but admin will somehow ACCIDENTALLY get around this issue and you will not hear the voice crying in the wilderness. Dislike of certain players, many have, but go to the server and write you are all here shit so far, only two managed - nebezizvestnoy deceased with the world kid/Pasay/kid/tram and rising star of the trial, of forum of cloven and Amateur levnikov. By the way, reptiles are the closest relatives of birds, including roosters. Well I was just saying.
And tookie has I would and he played, I played when PG was empty or if the slots were not made freely. But now something again in the evenings half-empty servers, so that the idea doubtful. By the way, went into the game - tuki-taki is. Maybe tonight will rise.

Ness_ 17.02.20

What these complaints about half-empty servers? Come to gourmet. At the same TR a lot of players with pg and plays there almost around the clock is the people.

Trial Player 17.02.20

Come on, pour that it was a Reptile. I got a lot of enemies, so anyone could write my name and pretending to be mentally ill.

Catch list:

I currently play under nicknames:
Sarina_Valentina is for PG
Jaronima – TykiTaki

Empathy13 17.02.20

I'm not complaining, I konstantiruyut fact. Yes, it is sometimes necessary to play in the Europe, there's nothing, I started to play on the Nordic, it is a pity that it was closed. But personally I don't like netcode. Sound though and can be disabled. And TR with PG I saw the Sergeant, uog-a, well and maybe even one or two people, so it is not that there are many people with PG. Opened tuki-taki, for God's sake, I only. To PG the balance, apparently, do not come.

Empathy13 17.02.20

I did say that it was a Reptile? I did not say that. This is kind of movie it was:
- Who told you that I did X?
- When?
- What's up.

Trial Player 17.02.20

Are you implying:
Empathy13 wrote:
to write this pornstar temporary ban
Sarina_Valentina is a Reptile

Ness_ 17.02.20

The closest relative of birds, including cocks from people listed in your dial list but Eva might behave as described Empathy13. And given the fact that the others did not know about Tukituki (because you posted today, at 5 a.m.), tack frankly.

Empathy13 17.02.20

Look here - you're scum from my posts I knew myself. And I imbecile of the specs found out the bastard. Reva will be Reva even under the name of Natasha, and uog and will kick even if he plays under the name Player. The villain himself created such a reputation that his shit in the chat (or forum) is known under other nicknames. You're there somewhere in the next topic repented for his message, which he filled pollserver, and the mind has not picked up. Do not rush to answer, think about it.

Trial Player 17.02.20

Lol, did not even know. Last night, 12 people have already played on Tukituki. It's already 4 days once opened.

Trial Player 17.02.20

What I don't see you in your message about me writing?

Empathy13 wrote:
rising star of the trial
Interested to know who this rising star of the trial?

Empathy13 wrote:
By the way, reptiles are the closest relatives of birds, including roosters. Well I was just saying.
Very interesting

Empathy13 wrote:
it would be nice to write this pornstar temporary ban, let him reflect on his behavior.
And who is this pornstar? Oh yeah! Sarina Valentina!

And then wonder what I found out myself.

Trial Player 17.02.20

Ness_ wrote:
of the people mentioned in your dial list but Eva might behave as described Empathy13.
You my friend don't hide the carnage, and then hid behind angel.

And when you consider that he's your friend, the Apple fall far from the tree.

Empathy13 17.02.20

Right, we get it. This Slayer was. You did once on the Rankin from rocket killed? Killed. So he had motive to frame you been? Was. Nick Slayer can easily be changed on the Player, here is another indirect proof. He caps able to write? Can. He is beckoning to tukituki and obkladyvaet shit who plays PG? No. Just doesn't add up, something, but he did it on purpose because he knows that so do you, he had followed you, apparently. See what mnogohodovok - Slayer takes nick Player, and he knows that I will write on the forum is not naming the suspects and SuperReptile will see in this post a hint of themselves and begin to get out. Ah Yes, Slayer, Ah Yes son of a bitch! That's just one thing he didn't count on what you will be given a list of 12 suspects and it will be one of them. Okay, now we got him.

Trial Player 17.02.20

In short, go to the forest.

Trial Player 17.02.20

And yet, on account of your yesterday's attack on my side that that leaves only rear-wheel drive positions.
Yesterday I went to Carnage reconciliation and wrote that mentally hug him and kiss on the cheek. It is not RWD, it is a normal step towards reconciliation. I did not write “I lick you in the ear”? Is not written? Here, so what me claim? Now, if I wrote “licked for the ear”, then Yes, vile and disgusting, this should be cross forum. And to hug and kiss on the cheek, that's fine.

I want to remind you that even during the Soviet Union our leaders as a sign of reconciliation and respect each other not only kissed each other on the cheek but on the mouth and for some reason, nobody said it was gay and disgusting. Let me remind you that in Soviet times, for such could be exiled to Siberia. Teach history.

The lesson of history.

BATL. 17.02.20

Good old gays to lay out here. Eww... eww.....

Hozyain bur 17.02.20

ivan ratan

Trial Player 17.02.20

Look, Empathy is, let's proanalizirovan the situation.

I play on Tukituki, not bothering anyone, podprygivaya, fire intermittently. And you, so we have spokojnego you go to specs and begin to undermine me, knowing about my explosive nature. You have a noble defender of the servers and other players, I begin slowly to increase. Only then it is not necessary to write here that you poor completely covered by the Mat.
I'm not a bear! Suffers can in the monastery to look for, and if you piss me off, you get a reaction!

Why are you doing this? Likes to do sneaky player to go in the specs and start your scribbling, BUT you're better than him, because I'm not afraid, not hiding under the players and so from me to you a small plus sign. You know, I respect Mr.Crow? If he want to say something in person, not hiding under the players, as some cowards. We have a lot of them had conflicts, quarrels and I tolerate him treated, but that's who I really hated, so it is cowardly of the players. Players, it as the zone – informers.

But in General do not touch me, I'm playing and I don't need to write anything, much less start to undermine me. I finish and leave, then with your friends anything about me to write but that it was not an hour of my game.
When I play on the server, everything should be slow and even when I'm not on the server, do what you want, though the ears are standing.

Let me remind you you say:
1. 0% acc
2. unleash the potential of Aquila?
3. why do you multidog, if you do not get?
what's more, I do not remember, look in the screenshots.

Now I took the pill and now can you all calm paint:
1. I couldn't play because I have a wild pl. Now resolved the situation with the technicians, the replacement of equipment.
The game is the breaks and the trance state in which I fall at the time of multicoding – is lost, thus the adrenaline in the blood decreases, the reaction becomes dull. The result – a bad game. It's like sex, if you are not in wild excitement, the sex will be bad and uninteresting. Have to be wild excitement, you have to become an animal, only then will you be able to fully enjoy sex. You don't interfere, otherwise, bad sex.
2. Training shooting multipage I stopped after I closed Tukituki.
3. You cannot unleash the potential Aquila just playing with multibodies on standard maps. Need specialized maps, sharpened by multidoc.

Empathy13 17.02.20

And I'm not teasing, I really was interested. You're so fascinatingly told about multidoc that I believed in you, believed your words that you really can unleash the power of Aquila. And in fact I saw you scotese on the walls like a grasshopper, not bad scotese, Yes the only reason anybody misses. That's why I asked - then what multidog? And when will be revealed the potential? And you, instead of properly explain (like now), caught fire and burned. About personal abuse on the server I have never experienced himself this sin, and do not worry if some player starts to abuse you. But when you get five kicks - either in specs to leave or to change something in their behavior, and not to run like you-know-who here and there, dropping these kicks. And do not tell me that I have someone there told you to kick, except I do Malinki any of kikashi don't know. In General, what can I say - shit on the server, you were screaming in chat that I was running to the forum complaining, but to complain about something? You won yourself something not tolerated, I ran crying like a poor little hurt Sarina and I, mind you, not once you are not offended, but your threat was offered to calm down and drink tea with a cake, and you bent all the - Empathy bastard, find him and all his friends and beat them. Bante Bante me completely, create a new account and then you have me poplyashesh! In short, nothing terrible happened can't suggest another time so do not react violently.