ID items (King's Bounty: Dark Side)
The IDs of all items in the game can be viewed this way : open the game folder\sessions\agent\loc_ses.kfs with WinRar because is an archive, but the extension is changed. After opening looking for in the archives rus_items.lng and press preview. To prescribe something in the console, enter the item ID of the space object. Prescribes only one object, so to register 100 spider eggs quite a chore.I personally the opponent of the registration of objects and improve the performance of HS, but in order to practice hacking games go.
Out pliz list of all the things in Notepad or like it not, I have some Kal Bal shows the PR view.((
To open and view the file loc_ses.kfs should be in WinRar. If you want to save the ID list, then loc_ses.kfs unzip to any location and then can view at least a Notepad.
SPS took apart just now again the problem as they enter, I enter everything in the docks and to sense 0, how anyone managed to get the items.!
Find in the file
//==== elf_crown
itm_elf_crown_name=Crown of elves ( itm and name unnecessary).
ID this art elf_crown. To register through the console, enter the item elf_crown
If not difficult to ID the scroll Slowdown is very very necessary to complete the quest
it is not necessary to have figured out how to spawn dragon eggs as a thing is considered))
Yes I train dragons only needed, I do cheat and such things do not enjoy, but then the developers just didn't give me a choice
corny not entail the assassins of set or Seth the demon, nor Blood_dragon_sword, although the crown of elves are very easy to get.. do not tell what could it be?)
As this achrive run\complete the quests? what to write who is in the theme?
it is necessary to activate these lines
quest_system_1974030182_stage_8=^?^Find mandolin Ball Agura.
quest_system_1974030182_stage_9=^?^Include the mandolin score of the Agur.
With quests I have had no problems. To register it is necessary only that
But what is the command to enter first, do not know if it was items, then it would seem as
item quest_system_1974030182_stage_8
Try it, might work.