It is impossible to attack (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
Hello, after completing the main storyline, faced with this bug or feature of the game as the Bahamas, the animation is not typical. When fighting any enemy I can use signs to block the blows, but when you press the attack button the enemy rhombus with its level becomes gold, and I can't attack. What do I do ?3 Comments
Settings look in the menu for attack click, can flew.
Bottom right on the screen not keyboard shortcuts.
Oh, damn, really. Thank you very much. After appearing this problem I suspected that the cause may be, and therefore the team ResetInput reset it control just in case, I repeat - after the problem occurs. I don't know why the mouse button to factory will not reset...
I take this opportunity to ask another question: Why are the levels of enemies have become gold ? For all the passing game never was, and now all the enemies