Nvidia 361.43 CRASHING
The latest drivers can't get it up on two computers tried, wrote in support did not help.Fails.
advised program to remove all drivers and install again from safe mode, nothing helped. And the old version of the drivers gets 359.06 rises in any form.
Finds a display and it stopped.
win 7 64 GTX 780 win 7 64 GTX 750
Who was this write and if there is a solution.
Anyone interested in correspondence with those support: :)
Dec 22, 19:57
Hi Andrew,
thank you for contacted the Nvidia support. My name is Oleg, I'm here to help You in Your situation. We are very sorry that You have any questions related to the product Nvidia.
99% sure that the house is on another PC such a failure will not.
Please let us know about it.
But on this PC, try the following...
1) Start the computer in safe mode
2) Download a special program to remove the Nvidia driver (Display Driver Uninstall - DDU) in this link:http://www.guru3d.com/files-get/display-driver-uninstaller-download,20.html (official download)
3) once downloaded, run the program and delete any remaining NVIDIA files.
4) Select all the files NVIDIA on the left side.
5) Click the Delete and then restart the computer in safe mode.
6) Click on the link.
http://www.nvidia.ru/Download/index.aspx?lang=ru. (choose your map)
7) Click on the button Download. On the next page, click agree & download.
8) After the download is complete, install the file using the custom installation.
9) Start the installation and choose custom installation, then check the boxes next to all components and with the item clean install and go through the installation process.
10) restart your computer after installation is complete.
Hello Oleg!
I am very pleased that technical support nvidia responded so quickly.
Unfortunately nothing helped, but in order.
1) at Home with a GTX 780 win 7 64 3гига was the same.
2) Arriving at work I tried all your tips and actions.
3) downloaded the program deinstalljatsii nvideo ! it in safe mode refused to work just doesn't open in normal mode it erased everything.
4) install new drivers 361.43 also refused to work in safe mode, screenshots attached.
5) in normal mode after cleaning from all programs n the video was the same as yesterday, I start the computer with standard graphics card and all is well. start the installation of drivenow everything goes normally then the CRASHING and device Manager, a display krisnadi as is. I note that the driver 359.06, or ANY OLD drivers THIS is NOT! at home and at work.
Visited different manipulation of the registry cleaning is the complete removal of components n videos ! nothing helped after finding a display in task Manager is crashing.
I really hope that 1) most blown normal driver. 2) maybe you could talk me through something to help.
visited on 2 computers with different graphics cards with the same result, having experience with MAC OS and consoles SONY is very unfortunate that giving the graphics card for the money a simple update turns into a 3 hour headache.
here, too, people have the same garbage: http://forum.oszone.net/thread-309494-2.html
for the sake of principle formatnul another hard set Windows wood stood up, what could be the reason?
Or just wait for the next version of the drivers?
I have a friend the same thing,I turned off the setting and Dreier himself has established,I don't know why
I install almost every new nvidia driver error occurs. Once the third set. They are still wood to each game release,got. Started since there was this GFExperience. The word card I have a 780. Was Windows 7 and now upgraded to 10 stocks left.
Disconnected all components of the antivirus (DrWeb) plus allowed all proactive antivirus. Firewood stood up in flight at the first attempt.
Try the option. Select the file with the logs, and extract it to specified folder - any. Start the installation, wait for the end.
The installation goes without problems, but the driver version is 353.82. After log in the folder Display.Driver(folder with extracted wood), find the driver file and run the installation manually (the file extension - .inf)
With the removal of previous files, installing like without problems - but put a driver 353.82
I only installed it manually .inf driver file.
This method used to work in XP. To uninstall the previous version - definitely
In short this topic, and remove the program DDU, then cleaned with cleaner, and then you may have to look for all the NVIDIA folders and delete manually, but 95% is enough for me and the first two paragraphs
Managed. Do Dr. my web blosil.
Disable all components at install time - was like a native.
Dr. web antivirus is the most useless of all. In General, all anti-viruses create the viruses to seem necessary,but Dr. web is a ditch of animals.
incl. antivirus and Express install, and got the wood...off the antivirus and went through the manual installation on. tick clean install...