Looking for teammates (Resident Evil 6)
The game released on the PC is just a month, I think it is necessary gradually to start to gather people together to play, pre-order I already made. My nickname in steam and Skype is same as here(maks19892008). I'll play it.No more drugs...
And unless part 5 is in Russia for the store, wrote somewhere that for the Russian region it is not available, although again, I have the incentive it is, and you can set.
The incentive to buy in ru-sector it. But those who pre-ordered the sixth part - it added to your personal library so that you can play. True, again, through live...
Yes, for pre-order already solemnly the fifth part presented. I even, finally, zaregalsya to Live.
No more drugs...
I also handed now waiting for the season pass, hope reach the required number of pre-orders, let's add in steam, going to play the way you don't have litsuhi Dead Space 3.
No,Dead Space 3 didn't buy. Not even rocked, and hardly will be...
Experienced zombie smasher is looking for a partner on the passage 6 of part ^^ And while it's not out yet I suggest to improve team performance in part 5 :D
All interested please write in the mean Prostego well, or in steam : Myda4ek (^^,)
I http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198077824697/ for command transmission RE 6 =))
I apologize if such subject already was,I decided just in case to create,he is also looking for someone to play with(preferably adequate)
I, in principle, also needs a partner. The truth is I have a busy schedule - will be able to play only on weekends. One as well - you can cooperate with. Fans of atmospheric playthroughs and fans of the series - to write in the first place :)
looking for a partner to complete all hopnig of sujetos.Adequate and with Skype
nick Steam:alex_rayzor
nick in Skype:alex.rayzor
but will play only tomorrow because servers do not have the time, I have 21:03
Well,friends bought the game.Waiting for the appropriate people.
Skype - Tonny18s
Steam - TonnyBoy18