Looking for teammates (Resident Evil 6)
The game released on the PC is just a month, I think it is necessary gradually to start to gather people together to play, pre-order I already made. My nickname in steam and Skype is same as here(maks19892008). I'll play it.Safer through Steam. Join my new Steam group: Resident evil 6 KOOP http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Re6CoopRus - Re6CoopRus. It is easy to invite a friend from the FRC network game is the opportunity's teleconferencing directly in the game - if there is no microphone
Campaign on nightmare difficulty.
alexbreenstone - Skype.
Why Skype??? The Incentive added to the friends, open the profile friend, Action: Send a message in a small window will imagesi large button with drop-down menu, choose: Call and talk as much as you want. Excellent replacement phone. and most importantly free and even overlay any You game! The only condition Steam and headset.http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197999739104
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198023996357/
headset is broken, so no Skype.
looking for a partner to complete a campaign on normal difficulty or higher.
Dear! and cute girls have to offer is here... with me together, from beginning to end, to pass any in the game where there are female characters, as a co-worker of the main characters, except Chris and Piers.
Who agrees with me, please leave it here girls your comments.
I'll post this in the PM will give a reference on your account on steam.
With respect Vladislav ^__^
Not a lot of girls playing RE6, and the more I sit on this forum, high what games girls play is Sims 3)))
Let's estimate the statistics of girls gamers around 5-10-15 a maximum of 20%, including some serious players, the other part is the casual players, part of the serious players don't play Resident Evil 6, a part of the serious players who play in Resident Evil 6, not everyone is a license, not everyone will want to play with you (for whatever reason) the conclusion is that your chances to find a girl to play together are negligible.
not all license
The author forgot to specify that he himself pirates, which is not something that a girl, any normal players are hard to find :D
Oh, you're already here
I remember you were wild on the ex ua LLC
Yes, all the girls just a dream to play RE6 in co-op
Here the author - SUVs Tago! Nothing to say then... Kapets type... *facepalm*
In General, I don't expect you will find the greenluma podica mpfix or whatever is not important - the girls in this regard is not strong but few in these games played though and explain everything to her.
PS - You're looking for a partner in order to keep the floor in the game and in real life, or an occasion then to meet? Garbage do not toil to find the rules of chela and play normally!
Kick types and even create a theme, look for in social networks are all there now, they have delusions to sit there...
Like an adult, and expose yourself to ridicule his subject and answers in the style of how you speak to your elders ?! . Since you brought on the gaming forum in the Internet, and be prepared to obtain the appropriate Internet manner answers and get them on our slang youth. Frankly, your position is to me as a good half of users are not clear and seems absurd. Why are you looking for just a partner ? You are either a fierce nerd who wants to combine the real and virtual world so much that his partner in the game and in life is to be a girl or a pervert trying to meet a girl in such a ridiculous way... Your response is welcome, we're really interested )