Play "This + That"
Man calls 2 words and the other writes that happenExample:
The lamest boss in the entire history of video games(because our games nichrome do not know how XA)
Russia - Ukraine(sorian, just a little improvisation, and I hope not to be banned. You never know O. o)
PS if someone does not understand immediately, the icon between the two slovec - minus and not dash. Just in ;)
It is unlikely that the good times there appears so boring as the Sims x)
honey select + publishing thereof in Russia with a deafening PR :D
The brake next to the king of brakes.
T 14 Armata driver-prick + Barack Obama ... )
The search for the necessary tool, due to greed.
Drugs + disco for those who are over forty
The funeral for stalker7162534.
Shovel as a tool, the gramophone as a mourning band.
Immortality + boredom?