The game started first! (Far Cry 5)
Friends, what could be the problem, lost two days, all was well. Today include, click continue and the game starts over and all my progress lost it. Nobody faced the similar? There any way to roll back to the previous AutoSave?nibler99
in theory Yes, never had this problem. Today include and shocked again to start all over. But if you've already passed two days and a month again, first to play.
that's what fashion has gone to do one slot for AutoSave.
you can't just make a quick save and multiple save slots, plus AutoSave, add two accounts in the game.
I then flew, after the last quest, the game just started, thought can continue to play, but dick.
AutoSave became just when you're in the bunker and after 2 seconds the credits.
Tin. That's bad luck. And he afraid of what might happen the problem with saving, that's really fucked up system Bahrami done. MB can uple to make backup saves?
Revan Reborn
You can manually: c:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launchersavegames\
There will be a folder in your accounts saves, but not letters, and numbers named, so the game can create date saves to compute. Well, or the entire folder zabekapit.
Here is a twist! Damn, and I noticed sometimes jumped out the inscription lost connection with server or something like, until like the rules.