The pumping game skills (Far Cry 5)
Guys tell me what else besides the implementation of the tests give skill points? Just quite a few points in the tests as a reward, but a lot of talent are asking a lot of skills.And what of the story or side quests don't give points? That is, you can either climb around the map in search of secrets or tormented with zadaniami type kill 100 digging from one rifle and then another 100 dug another rifle?
The logs to look for caches. The recesses of the link the people give to the icon of a diamond above her head. To perform tests (like to kill something in melee to kill many animals, etc.)
complete nonsense. I did the math - 144 skill from the trials is less than a third of the points needed for the total flow. Access to the arcade I do not have, Want to say there are these caches for another 200 points?
each stash for 3 skill give, and there are a shitload of really, running Yes open
Look, dear, You asked-I answered as I pumped. And in General on average IMHO to die here, if only to meat crush enemies, because of problems with the removal of opponents do not see, especially after the acquisition of a normal barrel (I have the AKM, of course) and a helicopter gunship...