Tips for archery (Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
1 rule: Hit in the head. In the worst case, the opponent will faint (but obviously, be careful), in the best - throw the horses.2 the rule. The tension of the string to the slaughter does not matter. Only at a distance. If you shoot in melee, the second tension enough.
3.rule. Sight there, so aim a little below and to the right of the target (if you imagine the center of the target as a square, in the lower right corner), it is put into practice.
4 rule. Not to hold the bow taut for long. First, begins to melt stamina, and secondly it makes no sense in melee, More damage will not cause, and endurance will spend
5 the rule. If there is a fight with multiple opponents, it makes sense to shoot at the closest enemy, as he will be immobilized for a while, that will give you the opportunity to give the hat to the others.
This is the main. Tried over 40 hours of game Adds!
Alerta wrote:
rule. Sight there, so aim a little below and to the right of the goal
I do not quite understand what you mean...I'm aiming a little above and to the left of the thumb of the mittens, and even then still depends on just the same, from the tension of arrows, and the arrows(from dalnoboynie for example all the other ballistics)
because that's the main advice: practice on animals, learn how these fleeing carcasses to get-headshots are the only way to fly and at any range+pumping hunting(main Rangers not to get caught), after a couple of hundred carcasses shooting will take place intuitively
and yet:wounding arrows, the tension of the string may not affect(I didn't check) but here's the breakdown-very affected if weak to pull a bow from the knight breakdown the arrows would just bounce off(even when hit in helmet)