if the output does not retain the setting (Quake 2)
put video settings, controls at the exit and a subsequent entry in the game surasymas gamma settings, and control are not saved server address in the browser is still encoding incomprehensible beech half Russian half English. I tried to put russifiers text and sound in General rasshirenie after that, only 320*240 done any more tanks. rolled back sound, and the Russification of the text, and that became not saved the settings.)1. forget russifiers is buggy shit usually floats and buggy game, screw them.
2. you probably have when entering the game included any config with other settings, see...
You can still put your config on read or run through the batch file your config :)
I have already set allow your quake 2, I replaced the folder allow your quake 2 config.cfg in the folder and the ctf tourney and baseq2. then here is all the settings my standards. loaded. maybe some extra folders to RUB?)
gyg) and what for?) like Quake 2 Mission Pack - xXx or finao allow your quake 2 remake, I just put the cards that are on the server, and all just to play multiplier)
Again ask for help for QUAKE 2
Still Explain how to fix the error (does Not save video settings, controls, etc, and also does not save the game...), Preferably more with instructions how to act , what where and how) the read-attributes removed if that
Nick0911 wrote:
for more instructions
Will not work, because few data on your side.
• What program do you run? Original quake2.exe or the graphics engine (berserker, kmquake, evolved, xp).
• What mod/addon or still launch the original campaign?
• Write the path to the game, where the program runs (quake2.exe, for example). Perhaps someone may be errors because of Russian names of folders...
• There is a need to clarify which configs (cfg files) and what pak-files are involved in the running game. As a rule, if it is a major baseq2 folder, there loaded the file pak0.pak, but the same thing happens in Addons (instead of pak0 could be anything). Probably as a result of downloading again the game, your settings are lost due to the fact that the other settings are already specified somewhere in the config that is inside of pak file, and then it must find, to pull out (from a pak file) and delete.
• The game needs to be access, the possibility to overwrite the config. There is an option when searching for a virus or something block the game, not allowing it to overwrite the config.
Config is a configuration file with extension CFG, where the game records all the settings. It's easy to open with a text editor.