Delux Edition (Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet)
delux edition need for rewards for pre-order ?Victor OGO
By the way, che is a joke with the awards? The first time I see this game.
The reward for pre-ordering depends on the shopping that is all I know , but that's Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet standard edition or Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Deluxe Edition get the rewards?
Victor OGO
Well, as I understand it here depends. The reward as I understand it will apply to holders defolt version and Deluxe, but given that Deluxe will be a season pass, it is best to take it.
Awards for pre-order for all plus Deluxe is the season pass
PS I already pre-ordered.
p. S. S. already two awards have remained 80% for 3 awards.
Leonid Дубовицкий123
Restart steam, try to re-enter. This is because many people. I do 4 times just came.
I have a weird thing with the game. I can't even run. First my Avast yelled at one of the game files. I recovered and demolished nafig Avast. Rebooted, checked the game files and launched again. But no... Nothing helped. Okay. Pumped the game again, but nothing helped.
Click play, steam says the game is running, but after a few seconds already passes some kind of file sync and everything. And so the circle.