Russian version in the Epic Games Store (Alan Wake)
Someone managed to run the version from the Epics in Russian?All questions to Remedy.
Below the options for AlanWake_EGS_Version not suit you:
Option 1:
1) Create a game shortcut on your desktop
2) Click the right mouse button on the shortcut, choose properties
3) In the window Properties: Alan Wake choose page Label
4) In the field Object at the end add -locale=EN (without the quotes)
Option 2:
Once start the game, get out of it. In the folder where you installed the game file appears gamelanguage.txt change value english to English, all the game with the Russian interface.
In AlanWake_EGS_Version missing the launcher to select a language.
I have this not working. I create a shortcut using ECCP,does not work on another.2 variant of the file such I even not. If that. I already played a's nothing?
This search options As in Alan Wake to make Russian subtitles? 5 years ago)
You can try to find crack the game and install if the developers of the Remedy is not made a point of language selection in the game.
I'd like a simple Russian subtitles and all.but I do not know where to find them crack tembolee not think. what even is
Russian language is here. Today he started to play.
IN THE STORE.go to Settings at the bottom click on the name of the game and put a checkbox additional command line parameters put this there Russian: -locale=EN (without the quotes) Enjoy! Play. The normal flight.
Andrew Gordeev
Thanks ,I found a solution and shared it ,although while I was waiting for when fix downloaded the Repack and half the game has passed ,but now at least people will be able to switch to Russian.Thanks again.
To change the language:
1. Go to the settings of the EGS Launcher
2. Select Additional command line parameters
3. Enter -locale=EN
When in the launcher EGS in additional game parameters will set -locale=EN, the game can be run from a desktop shortcut without opening the launcher, Ala GOG, Russian will remain. This is for those who are annoyed by the launcher in the system tray)