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Sivka-pro 20.03.20 09:01 pm

Need help! The ability to \"blood lust\". (Dishonored 2)

Actually the question is this: has circulated fully the ability - Thirst for blood, a Surge of adrenaline and a Great thirst for blood. The description says that there is a certain scale of adrenaline. which out of combat is automatically filled with a half and boevka will be updated, which would then make a powerful adrenaline murder! This I understand, BUT WHERE THIS SCALE is DISPLAYED or how to get it???
Tell me, who is knowledgeable in this matter? The ability is interesting, but I can not understand where this scale should be displayed and how to enable???
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PIRAT69 20.03.20

It is passive. Just fight with swords and be happy. Compare without him and with him. Compare murder.

Bupycop 20.03.20

When the battle starts, and then displayed. Maybe you are in the settings interface hid it?

Sivka-pro 20.03.20

The interface did not hide, everything is on YES and show. But when the fight starts no scale not appears((( you Kill a few mobs, then the screen begins to Shine as if the purple-yellow IS the RAGE, I understand, BUT WHERE's the GODDAMN SCALE of RAGE, I do NOT UNDERSTAND((( very not convenient to do...(

ReXi4 20.03.20

the scale of adrenaline or where not displayed

Bupycop 20.03.20

You can target the brightness) all the same, this ability is not as important to track the scale of rage.