Multiplayer (Sacred 2: Fallen Angel)
Well vobschem a topic is still create.And my question - who in 1 part of the play - how is it? PvP is? Gallop Peeps playing? The server is always online or not?
Of course, I'm on Sacred 1 could ask - but just maybe 2 something to change.
Who wants to be chopped down in Sacred 2 Gold v2.65.2 build 1837 you are welcome in my room Hamachi
Indicator: Play Sacred 2 Gold v2.65.2
Password: 1233210
it is possible as a play with a friend, and one version of the truth is unlicensed. help pliz
The people I know create a game with a friend and not see each other please help me.
Hi all! so my question is:how can I play sacred 2:ice and blood in a local network??? when we go the servers see each other and if you try to go,arguing that the true test is not the Internet connection,check your connection!! Tried to vospolzovatsya the program Hamachi,that effect it gave,but did so as described Kaleostro123 or maybe something wrong? Waiting for an answer!!!
thanks in advance for the answer!!
Easier to install Tunngle or steam (Tunngle is something like Garena, it is desirable that you have had good Internet) of the website
Accidentally discovered a re-working all the servos offic closed network. 8 to 10 customizable and 5 off. Almost no people. Who sohranilis the Persians - get involved, if not gone to the Euro
Who wants to play Sacred 2 Gold v2.65.2 build 1837 go forward all :
Password: 1231
Hello people!Sorry of course if my question was already asked) please forgive me-just read 200 messages a reluctance mulberries!So I ask the question:
The game's plot and Fallen angels and Ice and Blood differ between single and campaign?Since the beginning as I understand it's way different(as show up not in the place where it should be)!If Yes how(much-ie a completely different story or no,a little-ie the details, the rest has been single?
I current noticed,but I saw on some screenshots that some of the wings (Heaven I think) Seraphim,between the veins is such a...well, like a laser,and I have not displayed !!! and still have the wings,which themselves from a laser (such as Andijani or whatever..),so in the menu I have a laser(or so light) appears,and in the game, what's the matter ? don't know ? all settings on max (even the texture quality to the max.) well,except that Fisk X do not put (checked,no still laser,not put because of slow him much), and do not put sglazhivanie Cheb..well, because of the smoothing it is unlikely.. I have a pirate patch 2.65.1 ..... answer pliz !!(( and so it sucks to with some bag on her back instead of wings...
and Tiger Seraphim hairless, i.e. it is like plastic..not that here :
here's how this scree,current wings are not displayed. (((
And what's the problem with the Gold version ?, the main thing is keys and download pirates from the web , patchie to the correct version and quietly play on closed servers with keys to the Gold version
[Offline] ЛСAssClown
15.07.10 11:21 Fought with a friend about 7 hours to get this game to work again...
In General the problem was the same as the others.. Not connect to the server, and sometimes not even looking for... both Windows 7
Right now I will write about how we made it work, maybe someone can help:
1. Install Hamachi
2. In control panel in network connections will put Hamachi on the first place.. don't know how on various systems, but in seven it is necessary tyknut menu and in the advanced tab tyknut settings and there drag..
3. Next, in network connections, it is necessary to open SV-VA Hamachi...
4. There poking at TCP/IPv4 and SV-VA...
5. Next, poke the use the following IP address and type there your IP from Hamachi... just look at the IP who want to play..
Here in detail will paint.. in Short all IP Hamachi (at least that I saw ) start at 5. If you have a friend with the same address after 5 then there really must watch.. in Short, suppose that the IP in both starts with Then in paragraph 5, the write mask is If the mask we Have the same was just the beginning of the address, i.e. mask
How to understand and wrote a mask, put under the mask
6. Later in the same window, poke advanced.
7. At the bottom deselect automatic metric and put in there 10
8. Save all and restart the iron.
9. Run Hamachi
10. In Suckred 2 the system folder, create a file start.bat (you can call it what you want) and edit it using Notepad. Crack in start s2gs.exe -name=(server name) -connmode=lan -diff=silver
Decided to fill up a bit. Since helped set up on HP and everything is fine, works!
2A. Advanced-Advanced Setting
5A. Alternate IP Configuration to the drive, as described in paragraph 5.
7a. there, in the TCP>Generel>Advanced>Metric 10
Create a group in Hamachi and forth to dislodge the Expo with mischief.
Big thanks AssClown
Strange you have problems then, I have normally played on both Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7. Anyway with the game on private servers shouldn't be a problem and this is the normal option because in an open network , Hamachi etc. cheat easy enough to tweak the local configuration.