Not saved the progress (GRID 2)
Grid 2 any did not want to continue. Tell me what to do? Run as Administrator.heh,I still have the profile in the graphics settings,save the profile driver saved in the process of passing career but nesofregetta management setup... it was the same in dirt 3
In DiRT 3 To keep the control settings, it was necessary in the beginning of the game press Start on your controller.
Remember that DiRT 3 had problems with saving due to the fact that in saves across the Cyrillic. Find saves from грида2 and see all the way to saves can folder Documents will be referred to as the My documents and your account name in windows is similar in Cyrillic?
Searched through a huge number of sources, but has not found solutions, BUT I DECIDED a'T myself. In the beginning of the game, when asked to specify a name just skip this step, then choose your voice neym, and then followed in OPSS@extras = driver detail = Edith. Woot, enter your name and the game safely stored.
I have the same problem. There are suggestions... profile Names are in C:\ProgramData\Steam\RLD!\44350\storage ,
and saves, I understand, are stored in C:\ProgramData\Steam\RLD!\44350\local\savegame.I tried the method that is described Makc1977, but that is not what happened. Further tried it will remain in the game, then running the game, began to watch the savegame folder, but it was also empty. (tried it with it Internet)
How it works for you?
Or can someone share a save where covered anything!
The Data load failed...neeeeeet...
I was tortured already. All the methods tried, nothing helps!
And what is the reason?
Found cause have themselves to blame fashion for the camera, and aggression. Deleted that reinstalled the Repack from reloaded and the miracle occurred is stored.
throw off somebody saves please, and then passed the lot yesterday and it did not survive bitch! Not hunting again from the beginning to pass
I have all Repack all games from codemasters sohranyaetsya all,even with Russian letters in folder names even in Russian writing in the profiles,just need the Repack to download.
Sohranki themselves as it is earned) and after some time when selecting a profile began to write save data File is corrupt(((!!!Pomogaeva want all of the new roll(((teenage pirate)
The problem is not gone,will remain stored,but when loading--- Data load failed---,tried a bunch of Repack tablets will run with admin.Can who won? share...
Saves other people the exact same song..
Guys where are the save GRID 2??? Help reset, started again and the folders where the save game new no... where would I find someone????
How? What is necessary to make the saves work? Repak from the Dude has not helped.
POLANSKI king plastic sound
No mods have changed 5 Repack,when you download writes the Data load failed ,the attributes changed to steam folder in programs on the date with ,in the game folder I have no folder Profile.What else to try?start the administrator from the game folder...Have no izmeneie... vin7-64.