How to replace the horse? (Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
In the story, give me a horse, but I've already got it. And in the inventory it is portrayed and not the new horse. Does anyone know how to replace with a new one?Analis
The same figase O_O I now HAVE a horse in the parameters two times higher than it was in the beginning
There are horses different LVL and characteristics are different, but in fact you can not bathe the main download advantage of strong thighs in my opinion that would not be thrown or dropped and all
top horse 5 level, and even beyond, but given the equipment and perks, it makes sense to take them just for appearance, I took a white Pegasus, kazhys the fastest horse in the game.
For me as the rules for such a horse is a Warhorse Jenda in Mrjoedf. Direct all the parameters of the rules. With military shoes I speed 49, carried weight (with the noble saddle with 3-mi handbags, and the perk that increases carry the load of the horse) 520, endurance 450.