Continued (Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey)
Who knows, will there be a sequel?I found a lot of hints and materials for this reason.
It is obvious that the sketch of the evolutionary chain on the cover of the game suggests that some monkeys game is not limited to
Also Patrice Desilets wrote that he came up with 3 parts: Before us (a Land without people, which is present in the beginning of the game), and we Almost the First of us. But on paper. He puts these words is not clear.
Many articles write that the found meteorites can be processed in the Future additions, removing iron.
To exit the Incentive and PS4 also can take some interesting buns.
I as not looking for any particular facts that guarantees a sequel, not find. What do You think are the next part (if Yes, whether it's the principal of the new part or you can continue your current game with achievements obtained), DLC, or at least small additions (such as objects or buildings, which, by the way, very little).
Just personally, I have little rewards in the form of subtitles to go with the walking man. I would like his skin to try)
-Will you give me to play for the man?
-Better! I'll let you watch the cutscene with the man
And even just continue to evolyutsioniruet not even just in numbers, no new features. Or at least do evalyutsionnogo jump to open the possibility of mutations. Rrrr...