Achivka \"Test\" (I Want It All) passed... (Assassin's Creed: Unity)
He graduated from all the missions 12 piece with a 100% record, after completing all the tests, but the trophy never received. At this point, the WHOLE game passed by 99% (leaving to end mobile application Companion + find the artifacts in the rifts), but, as I understand it, to get a trophy you need to perform the additional tests in the main campaign mode. In General, who faced similar problem, please tell us how to treat it? To platinum only Test is absent, and to pass the story from the beginning, do not want to((.Fon_Perez
try to re-do the replay missions, it is possible there was some sort of error and not give achivku.
Achivku still domodal). After beating the game I had only three missions that were not made 100%, one of which is the first part of Chapter 11, when Arno returns to Versailles, where two people need to poison poison gas (during the passage the first time, this ability was not already open). During the second pass the first part of the task - to draw out 4 enemies with a cracker - did not perform (saying that if the first time the job is done, the second time do not need), and successfully poisoned two enemies, I got a 100% walkthrough of the mission, but achivku - no. The third time has carried out both tasks - as a result of trophy Test, and with it the Master Assassin in my hands!
AlexMebel, thanks for the help!