Toilet (Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
guys! can't poserity in the game! the opportunity to sit on the toilet there are options to make defecation no. can herbs some to drink?And I don't like it!
Constipation - the Bane of mankind.
You can even die from peritonitis (if you don't go in big)
need a mod to plug type mini game to guznov aims such as at the burglary and the difficulty depended on the food eaten but diseases and if I fail will continue and will not be fashioned around the village to walk. and Witcher counter will tell you - you stink.
You know that if you read sitting on the toilet, the skill with books grows in 2 times faster. Everything in life :D
Exboy wrote:
Is this true?
Well, I don't read on the toilet, so I can't say but if you about games then check
It is a pity of course. I remember in postal 2 played like it, there is the view from 1 person was the cats ass on the trunk could be planted. So I was there the whole town is pissed, every inch of him. I do that in the game that life can go, and then in the midst of a busy street to get up to urinate and continue to go. And the fact that I can't do that in this game, this for me is a huge minus.