Fancy trucks (Euro Truck Simulator 2)
Hello.It is customary among the modders themselves to create a truck-concepts?
If Yes, and anyone interested in creating such mods, write in the topic, I'll put up a scan of the proposal concept.
Do you think someone for free to make from scratch a model for ЕТС2 the drawing?
Now you're done
If you perefrazirovat your offer it sounds like....
I have pictures (of which the Internet is full) make model of truck for me and I'll thank you for it can be
Actually, my proposal is ENTIRELY the author's. This is not pictures from the Internet and my concept. And say thank you in any case.
it's a concept?
I'm in 6th grade so draw like chicken scratch
mine is under polirom more informative picture
vigo24, I'm not forcing anyone to do this. You don't have to. And by the way, your picture is taken from the Internet and I concept he did.
And, in addition, the design of my concept of the author, and KAMAZ 54901 copied from Mercedes Actros, about this You can read in the topic appeal to the modders themselves:
vigo24 wrote: I'm in 6th grade so draw like chicken scratch
I can, in principle, to Autocad-e to draw, if you do not like.
so maybe with this and had to start and not to push pictures drawn on a napkin with your right foot, to show his seriousness to the subject
vigo24 wrote:
so maybe with this and had to start and not to push pictures drawn on a napkin right foot
Well. Will have a lot of trouble with Autocad th. YH! I'm on this drawing 3 days in pain.
three days ?? I have 6 pieces for a couple drawing (105 minutes) and with much more detail
and if in case the parts in your picture is not enough , even if just to paint a pseudo 3d draw , make your fake model of the truck more and not on paper and even in paint
Your figure is nothing to understand, really. Even for 2-D. How it can be done, no idea. In any case, it will be the model author, but not yours, and the person who will do it. Even the wipers incorrectly drawn. It is clear that you did not in the subject.