Where taxes after meeting with Cleopatra? (Assassin's Creed: Origins)
Before meeting Cleopatra did everything you could,now where not to turn up everywhere are cutting red skull with two blows.the side effects come in, since many of them will help to fill the level. In the story it is better to go with 30 levels.
the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
Not of this be. If you really did everything you can do, you would exceed the level of current opponents two times (if not included fit levels under your current one). So run the question marks, additional quests polypanel, visit areas that are appropriate for the current level (on the map it is written) - and all will be well.
Did everything even the fucking chests was looking for,killed two hunters 20 and level 21 to 23.
Not is this normal after 17 hours 15-th level. Key tasks 18 and 38. 18 killed with two strikes and what to do. Left running pumped. That's why the game is so beautiful wherever sunsya.
the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
if you passed pobochki, side effects to where your level is already a noob, then netopi and go KV complete!!
Oh, and I'm gradually going through the location for the area... Passing all the signs of interest and effects. It is in my opinion the best version of the passage Origins.