Skinte save (Doom Eternal)
I came then to the food to the Cages of hunters rock, and when you load a level 92% of crashes, when you select any level crashes by 92%, retention was stupidly subhalos or game balanuta, no dancing with burinam not help, you need a save after this level. If there is anyone skinte pliz.Found on open spaces the conservation ,and revealed that someone else sohranki juzat it is impossible is, how do I fuck to pass the game if bugaetsa every time in that place, nothing bought this shit bhagavane, even with denovos into the bargain ,when the same version without denovi torrents lies
Downloaded from the torrent, maybe it will work, if in this version sayaguesa, the fuck never zabudu this shit and let the Mani would return for a piece of shit
Many it works, but again, fucked up, iron AMD, wood and wind the last wood specially downloaded a new one, and the game does not want to work, won the preservation of this place and anything that does not help, can profatcat ever, but again I don't want to pass or earn my sohranki or game a failure ,and the developed pictures will, if not solve this problem and not make work my save I third time half day ipada don't want