Game crash (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
Don't know whether the topic, but still, the game crash 2-3 sec black screen and all, in the process prior to the crash process hangs. The cache is checked direct x, netframwork and visual C++ has reinstall does not help(same problem with R6 Siege)Well, I don't know well, try to reinstall the game. And by the way, you have a powerful PC, just I have a similar thing was with Mass Effect: Andromeda due to the fact that my old man couldn't pull the game.
Denis Dzhexons
XS comp at the minimum salary, I even have a stump g2020 launched, but there is no vidyahi 5фпс
Here is a link to my config for very weak PC(And I especially a laptop), if after installation the game starts, then the problem is a weak PC, but if it doesn't start I don't know. Files copy with replacement in Documents/The Witcher 3.
If you don't like this, then maybe reinstall. Here it may read: