Problems with the cooperative mode (Dead Space 3)
Good day, the problem is in cooperative mode, I can either preconnects to friend and he to me, too, says (failed to connect to the game). When conectus, the game says that the opponent joins in, then kicks, although when I make or he can connect all sorts of random players, ip I have been allocated, but as I wrote above people are joining me and play with me in cooperative mode. If someone was faced with such a problem please reply. In extreme cases, write your assumptions.P. S. the AntiVir and firewall had been cut out
Maybe it's like one of Unallocated IP. This, in games with Games For Windows LIVE. If you have Unallocated, and the other dedicated to play together is impossible.
it he is also not a dedicated ip, wrote the application, they promised to do in 24 hours of the filing... they have not yet expired, BUT I can play!!! in the Koop when we create and when conectus with Quick play ,and in frend sheet figushki =\
Same garbage,no one will not connect and when I go, you cannot start the I solve this problem
Same problems - can't but then when to a friend and he, accordingly, may not join to play together with me. Although to connect to the game any third-party player receives without any problems. And to me the same random players are no issues to join. Help solve the problem pliz? Can anyone have any ideas or tips how to overcome this snag?
Same! Wanted to play with a friend in coop and record to your channel, but nothing came of it. If anyone has solved the problem, then write a review. Thanks in advance!
It seems that many. I'll tell you something : I and my friend did not a dedicated ip and we still don't conectica.
In short, to solve need to open ports
Problem solved:
It is sufficient to connect the Internet without a router ie directly ( Cable to computer).
What could be the problem?
In cooperative mode, in the 14th Chapter, some reason not available the mission of the obelisks,
in the 4th and 11th all the missions available, but this is just unselected for some reason.
I am unable to get into it, tried to start a Chapter first, we reach the door, and they do not open.
Can someone explain what to do?
When playing the single, the record appeared, like invite a friend to go through, but in the end does not open...
Same problem. What do not know. And if a quick game, then the 10th attempt, only someone finds.
If using a router the problem is solved 2 ways.
1. Connect the AC cable directly into the computer
2. Enable UPnP in your router settings
This is how it looked at me
The problem resolved itself...
Went through the whole head in the coop, along with a mission and she began to appear in the selection menu...
Can now separately choose this mission.
Looks like it's some kind of glitch, by the way, playing through a router..
In the browser the IP of the router drive and open the settings.
IP and password can be found in the manual or on the back of the router, there is the sticky reminder.
hi all... someone knows where and how to write the application about connection problems in coop.. the language.. and in General how to act.. just before I do that as it was not possible.. please tell me...