Any Resolution to full screen !!! (Fallout 4)
Hello))Another solution...Any Windowed Resolution in full screen !!!
(welcome of kill this post - if it seems to you too complicated=))
1. So do not post links, type in Google (Game Companion Fallout 4) and boldly swing the first link with the nexus ))
2. I throw a Companion Game folder in the root of the game where Fallout4.exe.
3. Turn off Fullscreen Mode ) that is in the game do.. (any resolution that is acceptable to your system )
4. The most interesting thing: not to tormented, every time you start Fallout 4, and then the GameCompanion, and after the release of Fallout - close GameComp tray (Fake Full Screen)... I was by Google and the head - created a simple but very useful .bat file - i.e. the file which will do EVERYTHING for us...
Making file...
1. Runs Fallout 4.
2. Starts after 15 seconds GameCompanion
3. After the release of Fallout 4 --- after 2 seconds Closes the same GameCompanion.
4. And after 3 seconds it closes itself, then we have created a car file .bat
PS: If you want the intervals you can change.. this is the only numbers in the code (15, 2, 3) !!!
(in the same GTA5 I have run interval GameComp - 6 seconds)
PS: Important Note !!!
Spoilery run Fallout 4 using the expander script f4se_loader.exe - for mods of course ))
.. if you don't yuzaete - use the common name - Fallout4.exe in the code. (that is ...Fallout 4\Fallout4.exe)
..The MAIN thing is just to carefully copy your way, without losing the ".. " at the start
1. Just create a text document
2. Insert the code. ((( BOLD I have highlighted what you need to REPLACE)))
..the point is simple - to replace the path to folders and files to the game Fallout 4 and lying there GameCompanion on your computer, and file names to match...
Spoiler@echo off
start K:\GAMES\Fallout 4\ K:\GAMES\Fallout 4\f4se_loader.exe
start K:\GAMES\Fallout 4\GameCompanion\ K:\GAMES\Fallout 4\GameCompanion\GameCompanion.exe
set executable=K:\GAMES\Fallout 4\f4se_loader.exe
set process=Fallout4.exe
tasklist |>nul findstr /b /l /i /c:%process% || taskkill /f /im GameCompanion.exe
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
goto :begin
set executable=K:\GAMES\Fallout 4\GameCompanion\GameCompanion.exe
set process=GameCompanion.exe
tasklist |>nul findstr /b /l /i /c:%process% || taskkill /f /im cmd.exe
timeout /t 3 /nobreak >nul
goto :begin
3. Change the WAY to Fallout 4 and GameCompanion (all of your)))
((( BOLD I have highlighted what you need to REPLACE)))
..the point is simple - to replace the path to folders and files on your computer, and file names to match...
4. Save the file . Save as with extension .bat
5. Throw this file ( well, for example the name Fallout4GameComp.bat ) in the root of the game.
6. Create a shortcut to this file to the desktop layer..
(I renamed beautiful label, awarded him the icon of the desired game and it looks almost like a regular game shortcut))
7. And play) it will do everything for you )
As noted by the developer of this program and many users, including me))
Most games (not all, some really behave better in fullscreen mode) - do work smoother, faster, more reliable what-if in windowed mode..
And this program makes so impossible to distinguish that you're playing in a window, but the stability and smoothness on the eye)
Oh and lastly, the dessert - this technology can be used for almost any games ))
(initially, the author has developed a program for Fallout 3 and New Vegas - but later upgraded to nearly any game)
Personally, I yuzayu on GTA5/FalloutNV/Fallout4/Skyrim.