The restoration of the Uplay account
People need the help of NADH wanted to play The crew but I can't recall from acre nor email nor password tried to restore but either wrong email or message simply neproxodim since the support contact is impossible without registratsii!Delphis
maybe someone else had a similar problem and for example knows how to contact the support to reset this problem
but either wrong with the post
If the email is not registered in their system, they immediately write something like the specified account does not exist. Generally, it is easy to check, just take and reguest ACC on this mail if it is not zaregan you saragat, otherwise it will offer to recover your password.
To restore an account, you must know what kind of mail you're of his Regal (if the number of mobile phones was tied, then everything is easier). If not - remember email, or to forget about the case.
The confirmation email can take up to several hours, looking at what the ceris saregama mail.
In uplay I'm afraid I don't get what you want from them. At least in touch, reset andthis their vocabulary is not exactly translate. Still will get banned...