Technical work 22 Jan 2018 (Tom Clancy's The Division)
Who works? what changed after those works?okay thank you just says that to 14
Maintenance will be held on January 22 from 12:00 to 8:00 PM Eastern time // from 5:00 to 13:00 UTC // from 6:00 to 14:00 Moscow time.
As a result, affected online services for multiple games. In addition, will be affected by some web sites, including the Ubisoft support site, the forums and the authentication mechanism on the Internet used on our sites.
so I'm tired of waiting already 3 in Moscow and says that up to 2, I have several times logged and blocked me, the question is for how long? for re-authorisation block?
the strange thing authorization does not work and the lock works well! where is the justice?
I start now although this yupley authorization fell off )I pressed start game in the incentive game went)
Yubiki as always original.Start GS and servers turned off.Every week maintenance work.Somebody call another game where every week the server shut off for maintenance work?