A Mutant Spider (Dark Messiah of Might & Magic)
At the end of Chapter 8, you will be greeted by a large spider, kill it is not required, but even so difficult. So, for those who don't know, the spider under the head is a vulnerable place, it's white. All magic attacks, sword, bow, aim at this point, and after a couple of hits, the spider will die.Magic and sword still burning arrows to fire intermittently possible (where the torches are burning if you like)
Hmm! Recently, some burdock the subject of throwing knives raised, and now you. Can we do something like fludilki and will be there to communicate?
It is elementary to kill: go to the hill where there is a girl and soak from there. You physically can't get there
This spider is only fun, everyone knows that fire is his weakness, if a mage then even easier, firebelly him to roll in the neck or a...if an Archer as said you need to fire arrows and there is also aim, the warrior is the most basic, if there is a sword of fire or a pillar of fire...then just whack it on how much power is enough:) and it is obligatory to have the ability to resist poison:)), and then all Nextag:)
Yes, resistance to poison helps(spiders in the game a lot),a very necessary thing,just take it when the second or third time going through