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GeraSP 30.03.20 08:47 pm

Body for pensioners) (The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim)

Rabbi, I recently downloaded modecki on, oddly enough, vanilla clothes for elderly ladies. Because I have replejser vanilla armor and clothing for all bodies UNP, therefore it applies to absolutely all women (well, except for girls CNN). Because of this, experienced some unpleasant embarrassment from protruding outward sisandra. The above mod solved the problem, but I would like to know is there a similar mod for themselves the actual bodies? Just me specifically so pozadovany already young and beautiful body at the old women...
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Delphis 30.03.20

I always thought that wizards despise TES

GeraSP 30.03.20

Fools* despise TES! The Witcher 3 is one of the best games, but it does not mean that all other games are bad. The games line TES, I'm good, but the games line TES scored at the outset a good mod, I am just as Witchery. Besides the Witcher, I love a huge number of different universes...

Delphis 30.03.20

but the scrolls went out early, why the Witcher is the best game, and play in scrolls?

nestrbob 30.03.20

I realized what it was , I can only say that these mods are . At the moment games on my PC no including screenshots to do with anything . What mod is responsible for this , also do not know . I set the global Assembly sexrim 3.0 , there all older NPC, wrinkled face , folds of skin , droopy butt, etc. in a word , to strip such a miracle do not want to . Looked for screenshots online , but no entries found . Here is a screen: the faces of old shows all the signs of skin aging , if take off clothes , then there will be the same old signs .

GeraSP 30.03.20

That is, you think if the game came out later than the other it can't be better? Well, you have a strange logic...

GeraSP 30.03.20

Clear. I am a global Assembly is not put, preferring this fashion to simulate normal sexual life. But thanks anyway)

nestrbob 30.03.20

Assembly sexrim does not imply that the player is obliged to apply sex fashion , have fun in the vanilla story . Just in the Assembly is full of beautiful graphics and texture mods and they are balanced with each other . In the Assembly of about 300 mods .

JoKeRD07 30.03.20

It may be possible in BodySlide to replace the vanilla from the elderly?

GeraSP 30.03.20

Well I'll try. Thank you.

GeraSP 30.03.20

Funny name. First were the picture of a narrow build. I went on a different path when you create your custom Assembly. For the second year as sawing it, but I'm not complaining. I even gives some pleasure) by the Way as far as I know the limit on Skye 265 mods... but not 300!

nestrbob 30.03.20

I believe those mods that have no ESP files and the ESM , and the installation simply built into the structure of the game , replacing vanilla or vanilla are added to the files in the folder . The bad thing is that such mods to remove already practically does not work , we need to know exactly the names of the files or have the original game files to replace them .
I love this build , and then just cleaned out the junk ( narrow ) fashion, and was build with beautiful graphics and textures . Beautiful face and body with physics , armor with physics , beautiful female NPC gait , gestures , heels , hairstyles with physics and much more . The complete Assembly takes about 42ГБ . Found an old screenshot of the volume folder .https://yandex.ru/search/?lr=10735&clid=1917057&msid=1516440259.22358.22893.6703&text=sexrim%203.0