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Polyarnik 30.03.20 08:48 pm

Versions of plots and endings (Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason)

Please write the content of the endings, PLEASE!!!!
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ZeroKOFEIN 30.03.20

Pass People

[[[R.I.P.]]]]]] 30.03.20

The ending alone. There is a happy ending, then the credits:) But seriously, the ending there is just gorgeous, but you need to see and not asking questions.

Champion-HL 30.03.20

There are three endings,depending which finger will go

Tulskiy Pocik 30.03.20

Today I received a cool ending: chose the option for the assistant to the captain and gave him a telegram instead of go down; my piece of paper, then failed him on the table, he moves his lips but says nothing, and the side of another telegram is looming in the air for some time and then she lays down on the table, but does not disappear.Cap silently sits and looks at me.Well, I took it and went down and confirmed that the type I gave him the telegram and changed the course of history for the better, although I gave him as many as two identical telegrams.))Treshak complete.)