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Dmitriy Zhigunov 30.03.20 08:49 pm

MF wounds (Diablo 2)

To Drastici... Drastica. In General, I wanted to ask Merov with experience where to run, how many ppl, if the boss is wound with the quest or not, how much MF Nazareno which character and actually what are the successes at the moment? Also interesting to hear a few words about the classics, except for hell Andy with her sogami, are there more options for races for rare and where better padayut loll thanks Unico.
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[_JENKA_] 30.03.20

Dmitriy Zhigunov
I'm on HC run this: Baal( clean) - Eldritch - Niklaas( all ) - MEF( all 2 Loki cleanup) - take down - ancient tunels - spaz - Pete -Andi and often in viper templ.
ww barb , 80 MT. drops like all slowly )
of course the best loot for 8 ppl baamrane, the main time to time to swapnote ondal to atty burned and caanot need armor with loot. kada and then all start yelling who took the unique monarch, write a smiley face -)

nwn2030 30.03.20

Dmitriy Zhigunov
On the classics:
1) Do yourself a qdrop Sorka on Hell Andy and Mef and fly at them without mf for 4+ ppl. Plus clean consuls in the grass, if you pull. At the same time you LVL you gain.
2) Hcs with qdrop

Dmitriy Zhigunov 30.03.20

the Jackal pulled a stray cons. thank you for the advice. about andala I understand the need to stand licity just the Expo? and then run seperate drop? ;)) and the tunnels of nihl it's all on how many ppl done?

yI7bIpb 30.03.20

Only play solo:
1) classic: 3 Windows, cleaned the sanctuary, and then Sorka (mf ~25) turns Andi, MEF and Di. (Andi and Dee qdrop). A lot of stones, sometimes good rark fall.
2) extension: 7 Windows, clean the throne, then by Sorka (~400 mf) Baal (qdrop) and uber chests in act 3. Basically Kutch, with Baala something rare drops need; magic items for crafting.
3) extension: 2 Windows, Nicht, the Summoner, Countess. With courtesy sometimes dropouts average Runci and almost always low. For crafts the most.
4) extension: 7 Windows, cow lvl, necromancer (mf ~150). Ingots, stones.

s2sv67 30.03.20

250,200,180,199,300,400 MF. Forget the exact number. All depends on luck. But the chance to increase the number of races. Put MF 200 and 500 times valni mephala. Then Change the MF and repeat the procedure.. you Fly a couple thousand times, then you will understand how much MF do the same, but would not die when the machine fly into a crowd of young queers, which merc times makes as evil.. well put as much as you can MF and a lot of very fast races, collect the armor.
On HC now in trend the keys of terror, don't miss the chance to get runes.

Torum. 30.03.20

On the classics the first HKS R-time, maginco so.

Omgstyle 30.03.20

2 options. 1. Sora with questroom of do it on 3ппл.( Matt from 220 to 270)
2. pendley(fastest Amoy)
pendley IMHO more profitable.

Obsessed 30.03.20

yI7bIpb, nicht shissen? xD

Summoner Zhi! =)

which character
Dmitriy Zhigunov, Sorka in tal rasha belly(Topaz)+aMule+belt and shako(Topaz), more if desired.
on KL - 2) Hcs with qdrop.
the main thing in the race that they were pleasant and interesting to the game, not finding desirable clothes (it can not fall very good. for a long time).

Dmitriy Zhigunov 30.03.20

And full Tr does not roll? Endl wounds, too, on 3-5 ppl? I understand ppl affects the chance of no drop, right? But with bosses and super uniques or normal drops always. Then what's the salt?

Obsessed 30.03.20

Dmitriy Zhigunov, wheels, a fat bonus MF is going with bundles of 3 items. you can fasten the belly+Amul+stick, the main thing is to finish the fcr to 105% so that the vagrants were fast as writing to the authorities above. :-}
salt in the fact that they can drop more or less.

Omgstyle 30.03.20

endl wounds by 1 ppl. every few thrown spears and went out. etc. for 15-20 sec. dlitsa run. 100 hits обы4но did session.

Omgstyle 30.03.20

if boring is dobavlyaet Schenk and елдрит4а

Obsessed 30.03.20

Omgstyle and sho are you wearing? tianzi, Katz, skullder, right? harmony on the swap, aldurs sneakers? )

Omgstyle 30.03.20

there AMA izi of odevaetsya from scratch. doing these pendl wounds сна4ала on the nightmare. as 4уть prideness can probyvat hell. on pindle ко4аетса to 90 LVL. izi game.

Omgstyle 30.03.20


Yes. harmony in the obligation on the swap

Dmitriy Zhigunov 30.03.20

and harmony against imonov Chi sho. just the titans and vigor Amu is equal to one Gaylord. just buy a SS and I knock.

Obsessed 30.03.20

Dmitriy Zhigunov, Chi sho. :D harmony for the city. SS is first quietly go rhyme tower shield. if not light immune - pan, if immun - gone. ;D

Tambov 30.03.20

Pawson, odd yesterday, started hitting the wig, broke the first 12, some IO and LEM( the rest of you doing?( or just varnish?( 7 LEM fell( from the joy of goldbaby did(

Dmitriy Zhigunov 30.03.20

It's been a while,I'm still healthy,so
here hung over, pulled, and then
first wig and so twenty times(7 x 7) times...

Tambov 30.03.20

Why 20)) 8 times 7na7, infec ready, ran and then everything, waiting for WAEP)