How to put SweetFX (Dead Space 2) me how to put this SweetFX
I can tell, but nafig you need it? Brightness down in the game, and all.
The difference is not large.
AL5 wrote:
The difference is not large.
There is a picture more pure.
AL5 wrote:
I can tell
In General, remember this website, the best setting SweetFX.
In the game folder appear a file with the settings, they just need to replace the panel.
AL5 wrote:
In General, remember this website, best install SweetFX in it.
If you put through reshade that he does not see the preset itself.
Just tried to copy SweetFX 1.5 in the game folder and then rename the preset SweetFX_settings,too.
Who does not see? In the game folder appear a file with the settings, they just need to replace the preset that you need.
saa0891 shake SweetFX 1.5 official download this preset, next preset and throw himself SweetFX in game folder where the exe-schnick. The preset name change to SweetFx_setting with the replacement
In reshade a little more settings, but when the preferences he eats more. At least a minimum of 5-7 fps
AL5 wrote:
Better resada, it automatic selects the correct DirectX
Yes, in fact of the matter is that he doesn't see this preset,and other presets with no problems are using reshade.
JoKeRD07 wrote:
If you want to preset this saw from txt to ini make it
Well,I'll try.
Damn, what readom? He used others were, and set the settings in the game folder.
I have in the cloud the version preserved by the way.
How are they gonna use it?) There settings no, when you call overlay.
Only willing to upload?
JoKeRD07 wrote: shake SweetFX 1.5 official download this preset, next preset and throw himself SweetFX in game folder where the exe-schnick. The preset name change to SweetFx_setting with the replacement
This eats fps?
If Reshad. Here is the menu, click on the down arrow next to the plus and there should be preset if everything was done correctly. Further, as marked in red can be edited