Job \"To Kill Stormson\" (Elex)
He ran away from the city rumored to be somewhere in the forest, where he is well-versed. Where to find it now, of the marker on the map.There is only a marker indicating Alrica. Who says nothing.
this is a bug, it should not be there), he's in mine as has been written above
No, he was interested in the quest Eleks-weapons and for this it wanted to expel, and when he was led to Berserkers attacked the Clergy and gave him a choice"come with us or go on all four sides. He agreed. And the fact that he's on the volcano as it turned out this is a bug.
All right, the token on Stroman and should not be, because GG doesn't know where to look. Just leave this quest alone, and then in the mine in Horta, accidentally stumbled upon him. Quest continued.
mister.kirianow wrote:it's near the crater of the volcano from chirokov but can't get up Horyuu)))
The same garbage! But it's really a bug of the game. Because it should be the Clergy in the mine. Hike this bug happened because I went into that mine to get this job. There is some work still gave me the drill, and then he goes. And the actual label Stormson there is no way but his own. Replay will not (a lot recently). Wanted to do this quest, because many errors in tasks Berserkers made and they are the only ones who failed to receive an invitation to the group. Joined outcasts
F11la wrote:of Duras was killed, or conspired with him?
No, of course. Purely for ethical reasons, are unable to pass it. It's kind of like helped me. And the partner from it the most useful (others as weak). Changed it only after the appearance of the Berserker-mage Kaya (she's the strongest of the companions). Apparently so Ragner me and did not take into Berserkers. Quest Stormsea was the last hope to join the group of tevosov (and there's a bug). I wanted specifically to make a save, where all the allies, were ready to accept me into their ranks, then the new not replay. But I revenge his sword stole, let him now think)
Katya A.
If you help the wife of the leader of the Berserkers, and give him the old three locations Abesse, Ignatane and Tawara, it will still take Berserkers. Even if the sword is stolen.
F11la wrote:If you help the wife of the leader of the Berserkers, and give him the old three locations Abesse, Ignatane and Tawara, it will still take Berserkers. Even if the sword is stolen.
I did all that (and even a sword at the time didn't take), but when it comes to anything, Ragnar begins the list of what was done and what not (about half failed), and at the end says try harder. And that's it. Don't know, maybe another bug. Play scary match