About the product NID, the merchant (Diablo 2)
In the presence of aJewel 15 Ias 39 ed ( start Torga 4 gul)
Sora 16 10(Gul ist) 18 13(vex ist)
Pal 16 10 (ist mal) 15 19(Gul ist) 11 17(ist um)
Ama 15 17( ist) 15 16
ELE sk 29 hp mal
Zak 174 mal
Vortex shield is Nabora grizvold
5.5 Cold facet ist 5 mal.-4 ist 4.-3
Fire facet 4 . 4 3. -5
Skulder Pul
Sc 19 hp 3 poison res mal
Am sharing Destro case, from my side, to the terror case is 1 to 1, on Haight case 2 to 3
If you're cool, or maybe just rich, you just can't miss this trade sheet and purchase something.
Write buy!
16 fell 10 will be given for ist Mal 15 19 rumble may rumble East facing you're ready
Zhigunov Dima will inform you the account in-game or send me a PM here on the forum, if you're still interested, Sora 11 16
Ist's Mal plus torch Gul ist mal vex is that is you want a discount of almost a rumble on the things I am already selling at a considerable discount?
Pal 15/19 gul ist? So skidkoi? Srsly? Da takoi ist ot sili D. I eto bez skidki. Tak je kak i za 18/13 sora vex ist :D
Daew bolwe crapa po zaviwenim v 2 raza cenam!
Ist? it's 40 minutes wigs. Look like a PM crashes every 40 minutes on HC?
More on the Sofka sit.
Look, you take a person that doesn't drive the wigs (no desire, ability or simply wigs is too easy), he can't or doesn't want to spend the whole East on K Seth, so he flies to the keys to collect the Key set no MX need two to 3 hours(sometimes more because of the randomness). Take a minimal of 2 hours - during this time with the Wig, you can get hold of vex. Well, assembled Key set, dressed fell, Bo barb. You're going to uber(spend another 20-30 minutes) and drops you ACCA other NCR cast free. The chance to catch the torch which will cost at least 3 of the 7 small, of these 3 of 7 a chance to catch with normal stats even less. In the end, this trade sheet is designed for the rich, there's even written. A person who has an hour minimum hum will be able to give Sora vex. The person who does the buzz usually does everything himself or begging for free. Nobody is forcing you to buy fell over the roar of the East, he'll just rot in the trunk, because it is cheaper to give a disrespect for logic and contempt for logic, this is the way to be like you.