Help!!! (Dying Light)
Please tell me where I can find blueprints for a pistol with a silencer and far as I know the muffler or drawing of the muffler is not in the game and the cartridges you can buy from traders drawing cartridges, too, no
was recently updated(last month) which gave out free then a silencer,it can be obtained from the quartermaster,if there no way,mounted it on a 9mm American or German gun,but to use such weapons will need dosmakova ammo,to find them easier in a police station
Pomoymu December 19 was the game that gave out free silencer quartermaster if there is not then most likely it is not to
pistol is one type of cartridges (which are sold), and for a gun with a silencer going the other patrons (they are not sold, only to find)