But what if..? (Diablo 2)
What if covid-19 - creation of a Firka and his followers. To do reset, this method decided to catch up online?iamviktor
target auditoria D2 from the infe - more vulnerable to this virus, compared to, for example, with дотой2.
So the decision is controversial
If we follow the logic, it is a chance to do a reset. While all sites are hitting records online for domosedov, PG usually doesn't care.
target auditoria D2 from the infe - more vulnerable to this virus,
I don't seen information about what the target audience
infa was about the fact that the old dudes are more likely to die from this game..
Although, it is rather strange of course that the emphasis during this virus....
they(we) anything, more likely they have always died than the young (
There is nothing surprising in the elderly immunity worse than the young, the body as it is not in his Prime.