01.10.19 12:03 pm
WTF? That the game is not so? CANT? (Gears 5)
Works sooo weird... Femrat does not fall below 55, but the team responds in about 10 seconds. Push FORWARD, waiting, time goes - it goes. I think this is no mystery hanging over what percent scored at 100%. Scored the only game, other processes do not. So why not load % and is not budging vidyuhi? As you can see on the chart, her only memory is loaded and not at full. In the game settings to force is vidyuhi as the device is auto to default. Yes, percent ancient, i5 3300, but ABSOLUTELY ALL the new games, along with of this vidyuhi, pulls on high or medium settings (even game on tupyaschemu bastard frostbite). Here that on ultra on minimal hanging equally shamelessly percent because of non-use and vidyuhi. CANT?
PS I played with the settings, removed HD textures and so on, looked all the initial introductory videos 6 times, because either did not come to save, or they work through the ass. In this regard, terribly hesitated. Help Board...
percents weak, the game is very demanding on the CPU. I have 6 cores, loading under 100%.
Do not argue, I wrote that percent of the ancient. But that doesn't explain why is not activated vidyuhi why the fps shows 60, and why percent is enough for EVERYTHING except gears 5. Well it's fucking unreal Engin what's slow?