Where to go after the Fire Temple? (Dark Souls 3)
Killed the first boss.Went through the door,came to the fire temple.All killed all over the place.But to go much longer.Where to run it?Maybe missed something?All doors are able to find not open .Vlad Skorokhodov
And it really missed... I don't understand how you play. LISTEN TO WHAT THEY SAY NPC. Worn out already with such topics.
Yes, because to read the texts in the game for the weak... In the game should be generally straight corridor'huez and branches in his way must be the mobs and rooms with bosses, and so on until the end of the game.
Vlad Skorokhodov
Been through this part twice and some times not completely. But now too odd lost, forgetting that you need to go into the fire. It happens and is not all that babbling about the characters deserves attention (the first few times too, all read carefully).
But debiloidy only crowd to descend on the person who asked a normal question. Without debiloidov types of these haters, clever sheets, instead of short answers, the World would be better.