How to run on Windows 7? (Operation Silent Storm)
At whom it turned out? Tell me what you were doing._executor_
But how to update it, the couple I am looking for - all any crap downloaded. There is a link where you can update?
someone writes the video card is not supported
in the start menu enter in the search run press enter, then in the menu, enter msconfig, enter, tab download click advanced options, maximum memory set to 2048.System restart the problem disappears, the game starts. And then the checkmark will be removed from the maximum memory when the game does not need to be.
P. S. the Decision is not mine, I do not remember where subtracted. I have worked, but the English voice acting in SS poor and eats my brain...
Or maybe there is another solution? )))
Found on the tracker, where it was rocked in game, someone wrote a way to launch the game using the setup file d3d9.dll the root of the game, then run the game the normal way. I did, but now claims to entry Point not found.
It is a pity that with a Russian voice acting does not play, StarForce fucking, and with English on seven x64 I'm good.
Damn why at least the old knights of honor made the patch run without a disc, but here I can not beasts.
I also have 64-bit Win7.Had absolutely the same problem as you.And with the video card,which supposedly is not supported with this dll and entry point.Just need another d3d9.dll they are all different.Need one that is right for Operations Silent Storm and with his help, the game normally starts and runs-check!
One method that was suggested onoe the other way,of course,but it's full of crap,and completely useless.
So it is better to throw in the root of the game this DLL and not to the shaman,and play safely.Link below-maybe someone else can help.
Please.Very glad I was able to help someone.You have a good game!)
What do you mean? What you have with StarForce? Please explain more,and how you,not knowing what to advise? Well,actually,I guess,just find and download the normal crack.I even for all of their licensed copies of the games cracks are just zadolbali long all these StarForce and the drive wheels at...
And better your problem explain in detail.Maybe something will come up.
Immoral Morales
After installing the game, when you start the game, StarForce asks for installation and after reboot. After the reboot, start the game, and there again StarForce, and he's sorry again reboot. And so on to infinity.
And,I know,I know...)) I Have because of this once all the Windows and barked-had to reinstall)). This is just one of the many people typical and unpleasant chips that all together and hate StarForce! Well,what's the problem? I have already advised above-normal download crack and all! Cracks for Operation silent storm on the network just is-he was looking at the time and found,and for Sentinels with the hammer and Sickle,too, if I'm not mistaken.Google-you will find certainly,at least at the site Antistarforce...In General,do so-you find the crack (if it does not,you never know,let me know here,I then your you'll adjust).Next.If you have now is game-take it down(it is desirable to have more records it in the registry to clean,but don't know if you can do it if no-just delete the game).Installing the game again do not run it at all until you copy the contents of the archive crack in a folder with game replacing ( in the archive is executable and perhaps even a couple of files).Next, download and put in the root of the game (where executable) file D3d9.dll my link (from 12.04) above.That's all.Reboot the computer.The idea is that after that should all work.I have Vin7 64-bit and game starts and runs normally.In short,something like...Try.If there are any troubles,write here-we will find a way out.Good luck.)
I tried to put different nosidam any non-Russian version or Russian, but without sound. The Wines-axe nothing else worked.
Don't know,I like everything is fine (win 7 64-bit) with sound in this sense...