Guastalla the volyum five! (Diablo 2)
With a clean slate, as they say.Well, I overcame laziness (almost) and decided to fill up Huatulco haschemi and score cons ;D
the rest 19-18 HP, and a couple of 17 laziness all Scrin.
and another 6 that such
a couple of rules of boards
Previous threads:
Guastalla vol.2
Guastalla volyum three
Guastalla vol.4
By the way, is the idea of all this stuff to raise good zealot, I even have fallen rocked, just do not understand where it resources to borrow :(
moder close this topic plzz! ;DDD
DBRN, resources in PVM is not needed! ;D I have a ZIL with -40% @ ran and was IMMORTAL! ;D
Phoenix fell in the shield I would like.. :D and the old Fort.
I wanted to do for pvp to do. 30K ar, full Vita, KHS-on-one. purely for max damage and oiliness, without a block for the monarch.
ideally, also to fly, then very bad with all cuts will be ;D
The theme, such as be, means that here to show off the drop,and the fact that nutragena can be stupid to spread,and not 100,500 pictures to post. . .
Kira and Gulick, I have not bought Sanchez word and STS 19\5 fit
z.s. here you may bowel
the theme as it involves his name. screenshots of unidentified diadem a long time useless.
the theme as it involves his name.
DBRN, Negatively back! :D damn the hour when I wrote in westalke can fake it anything! ;(((
volatile I did for the FDA, but there is also a place spending in a big way - Cham in Gulick. ;D all in order to have a cbf at 75% fcr on combat swap, almost without losing damage and LT. you can touch the TA-Fang and jump on the villains. =) I chutkan saved, put the ring fcr, hfd, stats, res was normal.
It is better still about to drop it. And not about strastnoe onihomikozami the rest of the server.
Klassewer wrote:
It is better still to about drop it
what? who cares who knocked? nobody cares who posted cool rags, people watch what Golota can fall and how often.
mdeee , a selection of smolak - finally чЕтка9 !! I even put xD
But Guliama I think will be better )) , it is because in PvM do you have ?
PS ADD : Grief tog ni4e tak - toka 1% ias nehvataet xD
P. S. S. ADD :
CorvinOk first Gulick specks, ashamed at all to spread. and the second thing, nichego! *thumbs up* ;-)
On pvp. In my 27ед, 3 min damage, 50+ ar and mana, all that is needed barbarianism)
CorvinOk, the bun can generally post so: juwelen xx/xxx. and not to throw here two screenshot. ;-)