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Ghost Hunter 04.04.20 01:15 am

The number of stupid questions. (Diablo 2)

Good morning everyone. Hz exactly where to ask my questions, I decided to write here.
Actually here:
Playing D2 classic 1.09. The vendors don't sell mana potions. Ie in General. There are two identical potions of health but no mana. This is as it should be, or a glitch version? As far as I remember, in Lod on this version like sold mana potions. If you raise version, mana potions appear.
And here is the second question. Starting with version 1.10 visual glitches appear: if for example the Necro hold down the button of the away team, he stretched his legs flying through the air. Also likes to freeze environment. What's funny in the cartoon it is not. There is only a single. So, is there a way to get rid of it as ever? Well, except for the cartoon of course.
And yet, poisonous and explosive potions was in the classics on this version?

Thank you for your attention. I would be grateful if I will explain. No disk imaging could not find it.
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Rivnyanyn 04.04.20

Ghost Hunter
To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to know what krapo-fashion you put on top of 1.09.
Better download version of the rules of the game and reinstall.

Ghost Hunter 04.04.20

I looked the demo version. Akara mana potions are also not for sale. But sold poisonous potions o_0. I'm almost a nightmare on 1.09 has passed, and these yellow-green bottles and have not met.

Ghost Hunter 04.04.20

Play the original three CD's. A clean patch, NoCD. All.

Klassewer 04.04.20

Play 1.09 single, it's such an aesthetic urge of the soul?

Rivnyanyn 04.04.20

Ghost Hunter
You have the classic version, Lod on 4 wheels, in versions prior to Lod and there was cans of mana from merchants. BUT, where did cha come from there of 1.09 I dunno. If I am not mistaken, starting from 1.07 are already damki Lod with a bunch of flaws.

firkax 04.04.20

since the beginning he wrote that he had classic
and the patch can be any supply, also not surprising

potions in classic and in Lod seems to sell the same, depends on the patch until 1.10 mana is not sold, Yes

Ghost Hunter 04.04.20

Well... 1.09 is to say the latest version of the old D2. And with 1.10 as I said went graphical glitches. I remember long ago I played in Lod, and 1.13 in the second act got a critical glitch. Some quest could not pass. What exactly was I do not remember.

What about poisonous and explosive potions?

Ghost Hunter 04.04.20

Found one altar with an explosive potion. Something of a rarity hike.

ixdon 04.04.20

Ghost Hunter wrote:
if for example the Necro hold down the button of the away team, he stretched his legs flying through the air
you can screen?)

Ghost Hunter 04.04.20

But damn, the screen then nothing will be seen. Just go in the single for necro. At the very beginning. Click the left button on the edge of the screen until it will run, hold down the right button, I mean the away team skeleton. And it will fly.

ixdon 04.04.20

Ghost Hunter
For that I need to download and install for your D2 version, and it is long and lazy for the sake of one screenshot.

3m3m 04.04.20

v 1.09 net mani ni na ni na cl lode